Tuesday 1 February 2011

What will it look like?

Ad-Hoc Meetings
We envisage a lot of these; getting together for coffee, for meals, for other social activities. The intent being that out of quantity of time together comes occasions of quality time together. Although they are informal and often spontaneous that does not mean they lack intention. Rather, because there is intentionality from the leadership that discipleship is lifestyle, these times together generate opportunities for discipleship and growth in a very natural, everyday environment. So, in casual conversation an issue arises, very naturally it turns into a prayer time, which is both effective in its own right, but also as a worked example of how to do it. Leaders within the group do not artificially seek to turn every conversation into a learning opportunity, but they don’t miss the opportunity when it naturally presents itself!

Planned Meetings
Meetings of the whole Beacon Group would normally be weekly (Once a month this would occur as part of the wider SBC ‘Feast Day’). They would be characterised by:

1.Everyone being encouraged to exercise their gifts
2.All ages interactively involved together
3.Diverse forms of worship
4.Mutual ministry by all ages
5.Teaching in some form (see below)

Bearing in mind the priorities set out above, a meeting might well look like;

People arrive over a period, have a drink, chat, help with food prep, ad-hoc planning for activities, informal opportunity for ministry
Everyone eats together, chance to catch up, pass information – all ages together
Stories from the week and prayer response over coffee – again, all ages involved. Might lead to ministry or spiritual warfare and / or singing
Teaching time – interactive, whole group involved in reading, input, responding, telling the biblical story, application. Connecting where possible to what has gone before in terms of personal situations, stories from the week etc. Very young children present but not expected to participate!
Thanksgiving, intercession, response
Occasionally a specific planning / training time for ministry or events.

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